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The Future of Molecular Biology




Molecular biology is the branch of biology dealing with the understanding of the molecular basis of biological activities in and among cells. It includes molecular pathways, interactions, Mechanisms of action, synthesis, and modification of biological molecules. Looking back, this field, originally came up to test the hypotheses on the mechanism of Genetic Inheritance and the structure of genes. The dominance of molecular biology began some seven decades ago with the discovery of the structure of DNA (1953, Watson and Crick with the help of crystallographic data of Rosalind Franklin). It jump-started Research into molecular biology. Today the field has rapidly developed with the introduction of omics studies such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics to the next level of study and analysis. In the journey of growth of the Molecular biology field from the discovery of DNA to DNA Editing Technology, there has been a lot of effort put into developing this multidisciplinary approach for understanding what is life at the basic molecular level. The insights gained from these decade-long studies and experiments now molecular biology is capable of addressing many problems of society dealing with diseases, agricultural remedies, environmental remedies, sustainable industrial development, etc. The emphasis here will be on the future development of the field.

History of Molecular biology:

History dates back to the 1930s with the discovery of DNA as Genetic material, shortly followed by the Structure of DNA (1953, Watson and Crick). Then comes the era of Recombinant DNA Technology after the invention of a method of sequencing genomes. Soon after Automated sequencing technologies came up and high throughput DNA Isolation and screening techniques were developed. The Human Genome Project is one of the biggest endeavors of molecular biology.


Today molecular biology along with cell biology, bioinformatics, biochemistry, chemical biology, genetics, and Biophysics have gained tremendous power to unlock the mysteries of life. We can study from the minutest Virus particles to even extinct Dinosaurs, organisms belonging to any kingdom or Phyla, and apply the knowledge for the betterment of humans as well as the environment.


Different forms of viruses exist which are made up of just Nucleic acid and protein. They are generally considered as the threat causing epidemic diseases. But many can be useful in molecular biology research. Bacteriophage is one of them from which CRISPR Gene editing technology came.

Hybridoma technology involves forming hybrid cell lines (called hybridomas) by fusing an antibody-producing B cell with a myeloma (B cell cancer) cell that is selected for its ability to grow in tissue culture, in order to produce monoclonal antibodies which can be used for people with the weak immune system to fight viral infections. In the future, we can also develop and make this technology more efficient.

Cancer therapy comprises alternative therapies that use viruses to kill cancer cells selectively which can be further enhanced with continuously developing molecular techniques.


Research and studies of bacterial involving molecular biology open up a wide gate of knowledge that can be utilized. Techniques involve bacterial Transformation and Molecular cloning. Knowledge of plasmidsOperons for gene regulation, and Vectors have transformed genetic studies. The fermentation and Pharma industry depends heavily on the knowledge of microbes and their enzymes at the molecular level.


Plant molecular biology studies the molecular mechanism of plant signal transduction. The techniques of molecular biology are the basis of plant biotechnology, a powerful tool for the development of new plant traits and varieties. The growing population needs sustainable ways of improving the production and quality of food crops and hence the current studies will develop a new age of the following:

  • production of plant secondary metabolites,
  • valuable plant genetic improvement,
  • germplasm conservation, and
  • production of large numbers of disease-free and new varieties.

More advance and effective ways-

  • biopharmaceuticals,
  • plant-made pharmaceuticals,
  • artificial seeds,
  • plant therapeutic proteins,
  • transgenic improved varieties,
  • plant made vaccines or antibodies

These are part of current research that will bring healthier produce, alternative medicines, and healthy crops and can be seen in the upcoming era.


Through the input of molecular biology, we now have much information on the amazing animal diversity and vital function, developmental-reproductive issues of animals, and techniques essential for agriculture and medicine. Recombinant DNA technology and vectors used for modification and studying model animals have enabled testing of diseases and find treatments for example cancer and production of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. In the upcoming days with the power of bioinformatics and computational biology, the outcomes will be faster and more accurate and hence scientific community will be solving many life problems at a faster rate.

Space Biology:

The overarching goal of Space Biology involves Molecular and cellular Biology research at NASA is to determine how the stresses of the spaceflight environment affect living systems at the basic cellular and molecular levels, using modern cell and molecular biology techniques and measures developed. And hopefully, one day helps in a successful mission to Mars in the future.


The future potential of molecular biology is very vast. Techniques such as PCR and its improved versions, sequencing, manipulation, mutagenesis, functional analysis of genes will help in the diagnosis and monitoring of hereditary changes and diseases in both plants and animals. Gene therapy and pharmacogenomics are emerging solutions for various diseases. Epidemics can be controlled in easier ways without much loss of lives. This field is invaluable and is of great importance which contributed to a revolution in the field of biology. Life not only on Earth but outer space can also be studied. But the applications of these methods should be addressed by informed scientific and public discussions and debate so that the right evaluation can be done and the technology does not fall into wrong hands and mishaps.


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